About Me
Educated as a Media Designer for Print and Digital media and graduated as Dipl. Designer (FH) in Commnication Design at the Peter Behrens School of Art (Düsseldorf - HSD) I love to work as a Creative Director in the Digital Innovation Studios at Avanade – Joint Venture of Accenture & Microsoft. As Digital Sales and Service Community of Practice Lead for HoloLens ASG I am working on HoloLens client projects (Guides, Remote Assist) since 2016. As a LUMA Institute Certified Design Thinking Faciliator I am hosting design thinking workshop sessions to boost innovation and create action. I deliver high quality in roles as SME for Conception, Storytelling, Creation, Frontend-Dev, UI, UX, XR, Metaverse Strategy, Generative AI, Power Platform, Dynamics 365 and many more.
- Who? Matthias Löffler (Born in 1979, married, two kids)
- What? Creative Director (Visual Design, UI, UX, Extended Reality), Diploma in Communication Design
- Where? Montabaur, Previous: Halle Saale, Wirges, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Beijing, Mainz, Wiesbaden
- Why? Creative crank, Innovation driver, Change enabler, Colour fetishist, Typography nerd, AR/VR/MR explorer, Usability checker, Brand steward, Empath & Optimist.